My research uses empirical modeling on large datasets to understand firms' strategies for social media activism as well as their purpose-driven online branding strategies promoting positive social change. Using natural language processing, machine learning and econometric models on unstructured data at both firm and individual levels, my research converts large-scale Twitter texts into marketing insights with the purpose of strengthening firms' strategies on societal issues.
Research Interest:
Substantive: Social Media and Digital Marketing, Online Branding Strategies, Digital Platforms,
User-Generated Content (Text and Images).
Methodological: Text Mining and Natural Language Processing, Applied Econometrics,
Causal Inference, Machine Learning
Selected Research:
Guha, Mithila and Daniel Korschun, “Peer Effects on Brand Activism: Evidence from Firm-Generated Content And Online Chatter”, Forthcoming, Journal of Brand Management- Special Issue on Brand Activism .
Guha, Mithila, Daniel Korschun and Trina Andras, “Is Consumer Online Activism Loud Enough To Drive Brand Performance?”, Working Paper.
Selected Conference Presentation:
"Peer Effects on Brand Activism: Evidence from Firm-Generated Content And Online Chatter"
• AMA Summer Academic Conference, 2022.
-Best Track Paper Award Winner: Digital and Social Media Marketing Track.
• ISMS Marketing Science Conference, 2022.
• Drexel Emerging Graduate Scholars (DEGS) Conference, 2022.
“Callouts and Shout-outs: Is Consumer Online Activism Loud Enough To Drive Brand Performance?”
• Session Chair and Presenter, Presented at the 2023 Winter AMA Academic Conference, Nashville, Tennessee: February 10-12, 2023.
Invited Talks:
Special Session Panelist- 2023 Winter AMA Academic Conference, Invited by Dr. Shuba Srinivasan, Boston University;
Session Topic: `Sociopolitical Risks: Impact on Consumers, Brands, and Firm Value', Nashville, Tennessee: February 10-12,2023. -
Graduate College Scholars Share: Conversations on Graduate Research, Drexel University, Spring 2023